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Psychosis [sī-kō-sis]:  a major mental disorder, characterized by a disintegration of personality and delusions which lose touch with reality.

Parents and other registered voters: Petition signatures are being sought to qualify a state-initiative measure, the PROTECT KIDS OF CALIFORNIA ACT OF 2024, which would: 

1.  prevent irresponsible hormonal and surgical harm to gender-confused children younger than 18;

2.  protect girls' sports and private spaces from intrusion by males who claim to be females; and

3.  ensure timely notification to parents and legal guardians if their student claims a new "gender identity."  Such claims are often concealed by schools presently (cf. Korby Saunders email below). 

Here, in fact,  claims can generate secretive SRVUSD "Gender Support Plans," implemented by schools without parental knowledge or permission (unless the child permits disclosure) — even if there is no suspicion, hint, or allegation of potential alienation or abuse by parents.  SRVUSD personnel are usurping parental authority.  

Gender confusion can be prompted in vulnerably impressionable, children who are subjected to SRVUSD's "queering the classroom" programs — in picture-story book read-alouds, LGBTQ Clubs ("PRISM Clubs") and other programs.  Attentive, caring parents will assert their own authority and discretion in the best interests of THEIR children.  

The "transgender" separation from reality fits the SRVUSD problem in particular.   There is much to report, and much to be noted in response to SRVUSD's related actions and inactions.  This page is just getting started.... 

In November, 2020, Country Club Instructional Coach Korby Saunders and then-Principal Christy Glaser (who is now employed by the Contra Costa County Office of Education) discussed “their experiences of queering the classroom” in a presentation for the “National Council of Teachers of English.”  Below is a copy of the NCTE program guide for that presentation [arrow marker added]:

Just two months later, Saunders transmitted an email in which she claimed that even TK (transition kindergarten) children (i.e., 4 and 5-year-olds) have a right to conceal alleged sexual orientation or gender identity from parents/guardians, and that teachers are to uphold such “rights.”  Redactions are those added by SRVUSD: 

That policy is confirmed in the SRVUSD Board’s Administrative Regulation #5145.3.  That regulation utilizes misleading boilerplate language from the California School Board Association (CSBA).  The same language has been incorporated by school districts up and down the state, utilizing the same AR 5145.3 policy designation.   That regulation is part of one district's behavior which Southern District of California Federal Court has characterized as causing "a trifecta of harm."

So understand what this means: SRVUSD personnel believe they can manipulate and co-opt vulnerable, impressionable children (including even those who are just learning to tie their shoes) in captive-audience “queering” classrooms — and then can conceal kids’ supposed new “gender identities” or “sexual orientations” from the kids’ own parents

It should be obvious to Superintendent Malloy and his highly compensated “cabinet” of other administrators — who routinely claim that parents are their “partners” — that Saunders, Glaser, and other staff members who’ve promoted LGBTQ politics have abused both the authority and the privilege delegated and entrusted to them by parents and other taxpayers. 

To assist in understanding Transgender Psychosis, is causes, and its facilitators, the following resources are provided.  This listing will continue to be expanded so long as SRVUSD employees continue to promote or enable age-inappropriate gender-and-sex material in captive-audience classrooms — and to obscure or conceal such activity from parents, or otherwise to usurp/subvert the authority of parents, the educators’ supposed “partners.”

The Transgender Leviathan is an informative introduction to the magnitude of the problem nationwide.

A short preview of this important analysis by the American Principles Project is available.

And an Executive Summary is available too.


The full 2022 report includes extensive references.

"I Pretended To Be ‘Nonbinary’ To Expose a Medical Scandal at Kaiser Permanente"

Beth Bourne, of Davis, received an emailed Kaiser reminder about a routine cancer screening for herself, saying that it was “Recommended for people with a cervix ages 21 to 65.”

As a parent of a girl who had been "gender-transitioned" beginning in 8th grade, 
whom Kaiser Permanente Oakland Proud was happy to assist in the process, Beth decided to present  herself as "a nonbinary patient" to show [her] daughter what danger she might be putting herself in, by people who purport to have her health as their interest, but whose main interest is in medically 'affirming' (i.e., transitioning) whoever walks through their door."  And it would all be "covered by insurance as 'medically necessary.'"  

Parents of SRVUSD schoolchildren will be wise to check with their kids on gender-bending activities in this activist district, since it hides "gender transitions" from parents, unless the child gives permission for disclosure to parents.  


The New York Post carried its own February, 2022 article with more details (including photos) on Judge Hiramoto.

"A Father’s Battle With the Gender Ideology Industrial Complex"  — An update on Ted Hudacko's long battle for justice and the health of his son.  He's gone back to court.

"UCSF professor: Trans kids who ID as ‘Minotaurs’ merely part of ‘gender revolution’"
Further introduction to Diane Ehrensaft, the advisor relied upon by the court-appointed counsel to Ted Hudacko's son. Ehrensaft has a "gender-nonconforming" son of her own, and she believes that the "gender revolution," with "children leading it," is "a wonderful thing to see."   

"Child Custody's Gender Gauntlet" (Feb. 7, 2022)

Transgender ideology has already achieved a powerful hold on our court  system.  Devoted parents and their children are paying the terrible price.                                                             
Ted Hudacko is an accomplished Bay Area software engineer.  His son's
  "gender transition" was facilitated by his estranged wife, assisted by a Contra Costa County judge who did not reveal her enthusiastic approval of  her own son's "gender transition."

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